Favorite Resources
We are so fortunate in our area to have an abundance of resources for growing families. Through my years of work, I’ve built a collection of especially trusted providers and resources. These are practitioners who I consistently hear rave reviews about from my clients. For clients looking for other specialized care not listed here, I’m happy to help make those connections.
Warm Welcome Birth Services is on Facebook. Connect with us there for updates on news about homebirth, classes and other special events.
Northampton Independent Childbirth Educators An association of independent childbirth educators based in Northampton, Massachusetts, who provide group and private instruction for parents-to-be. https://childbirthednorthampton.wordpress.com/
Chaya Leia Aronson, RN BSN practices both the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® and Holistic Pelvic Care™. Chaya specializes in supporting women through their pregnancies, alleviating the common ailments of pregnancy, as well as postpartum, supporting healing of the uterus and pelvic bowl, and preventing long term complications commonly attributed to pregnancy and birthing. Clients of Warm Welcome receive $25 off their initial session! www.purpleroseabdominalmassage.com
MotherWoman MotherWoman groups provide safe places of mutual respect and non-judgement where mothers can build community and support one another as they navigate the realities of motherhood. Politically, MotherWoman is dedicated to raising awareness about social and economic justice issues, and advocating for policies and legislation that positively impact mothers, children and families on the regional and national levels. http://www.motherwoman.org/mission/
Corinne Andrews is owner of Yoga Center Amherst, founder of Birthing Mama® Prenatal Yoga and Wellness and she teaches prenatal and parent & baby yoga in Amherst. Birthing Mama also offers a more extensive online program for pregnant women, doulas, midwives and yoga teachers. (((http://www.birthingmama.org and http://www.yogacenteramherst.com/)))
Arden Sundari Pierce Pregnancy Yoga Therapy & Labor Readiness yogaforwellbeing.com – yoga@rcn.com Transform yourself through this amazing life passage, feel better and feel empowered through the changes. Please pre-register for Northampton classes.
Hannah Fuller-Boswell (ABT, Doula) offers intelligent, intuitive, compassionate bodywork and birth support to families of all stripes. With a background in Asian Bodywork Therapies (Shiatsu and Sotai), Hannah does individual Shiatsu sessions, as well as pre-labor bodywork coaching with moms and birth partners. Hannah@doktorwise.com
Sarah Prall Photography creates evocative, artistic, and nourishing fine art of your pregnancy and newborn child. Gently guided with your utmost comfort in mind, your portrait experience not only celebrates your own intimate experience, but also the deepening connection to your blossoming family. Through this experience you'll feel all the yummy things... Connection. Gratitude. Ever expanding love. The photographs from your session will become tender reminders of what matters most, and a lasting visual legacy of love. Clients of Michelle L'Esperance receive a gift certificate of $200 towards the fine art products of their choice, and sessions are best booked in advance. www.sarahprall.com (413) 835-1578
Northampton Community Acupuncture, a community acupuncture clinic located in downtown Northampton since 2006, offers affordable care in a relaxing setting. Acupuncture is a wonderful, safe modality to use during pregnancy; from enhancing fertility pre-pregnancy, to morning sickness, insomnia, anxiety, aches and pains, etc., during pregnancy, all the way through to restorative treatments postpartum. The clinic is open five days a week, with easy online scheduling available. Contact nohocommunityacupuncture.com for more information.
RadiantPointAcupuncture.com (413)727-3220 Kate Cadwgan is a Northampton Acupuncturist & Herbalist specializing in women's health, fertility challenges and pregnancy care. Her goal is to help families celebrate pregnancy, birth and postpartum in health and happiness.
Mira offers fertility awareness & reproductive health classes, Tibetan medical consultations, and prenatal & postpartum massage in the Pioneer Valley. Massage during and after pregnancy is deeply nourishing, relieves discomfort, aids sleep, can help prepare the body for labor and support the postpartum transition. Her practice is queer and trans competent, and rates are set to ensure accessibility. Warm Welcome Birth clients receive $10 off of their first appointment! www.miraweil.com
Acadia Herbals - Local source for organic herbs, teas, and natural body products. Warm Welcome clients receive a $5 gift card! https://www.facebook.com/Acadia-Herbals-111752528854469/?fref=ts
Alison Bent offers pre and post natal Massage therapy and Craniosacral therapy for the past 20 years. She is a mother of three children. Her practice includes Craniosacral therapy sessions for newborns and children. Call 413-584-2838. www.IAHP.com/Alison-Bentwww.IAHP.com/Alison-Bent
Interested in learning about simple exercises, positions, and movements that can help you have a more positive birth experience? Midwife Gail Tully’s work at Spinning Babies is an exceptional resource for parents, midwives, and doulas. Note: Warm Welcome receives a small commission for each physical DVD sold through this link. Click here to explore Spinning Babies.
Gentle External Version
A joyful natural birth. Click here to watch.
Click here to visit Warm Welcome's Amazon page. Receive all the usual great Amazon discounts on recommended reading for parents & aspiring doulas.
Video of newborn finding the breast by instinct. Click here to watch
Article on the evidence about VBAC safety.
Essential info about perinatal mood & anxiety disorders, including risk factors, symptoms & treatments. We provide direct peer support to families, train professionals, and are a bridge between the two. http://www.postpartum.net
The Massachusetts Midwives Alliance (MMA) is a professional trade organization created by and for a dynamic and diverse group of midwives. The MMA was founded to build cooperation among midwives, and to promote midwifery as a means of improving health care for women and their families. http://massmidwives.org
Easily organize a meal train and other household help to make the early weeks and months easier. http://lotsahelpinghands.com
Birthing Mama ~ Created by Corinne Andrews of Amherst Yoga, Birthing Mama is a more extensive online program for pregnant women, doulas, midwives and yoga teachers. The program includes over 6 hours of prenatal yoga videos, 9 audio recordings and over 150 pages of written material. Clients and students of Warm Welcome receive 25% off! www.birthingmama.org
The Miles Circuit http://www.milescircuit.com
Dr. Sears: Information on safe co-sleeping and much more
The Sleep Lady - The gentlest effective method of sleep learning I’ve seen. Most babies can learn to truly sleep through the night (without needing milk!) by 5-6 months. http://sleeplady.com
Henci Goer - http://www.hencigoer.com
Recommended Movies to Rent OnlineDaily Essentials - Thoughtfully chosen prenatal exercises and stretches, designed by Gail Tully, CPM, of Spinning Babies. We highly recommend this for all our clients- start as early in pregnancy as possible! http://spinningbabies.com/product/daily-essentials-digital-download/
Laboring Under an Illusion - An eye-opening, funny, and inspiring look at how the media distorts our view of birth. By local anthropologist, childbirth educator, and doula Vicki Elson.
Orgasmic Birth- Interviews and birth footage with families who birthed in hospital and homes. http://orgasmicbirth.com/products/films-soundtrack/
Article on the Newborn Stomach
Article on Birth as a Human Right
The Midwives Alliance of North America (MANA) is a professional organization for all midwives, recognizing the diversity of educational backgrounds and practice styles within the profession. Its goal is to unify and strengthen the profession of midwifery, thereby improving the quality of health care for women, babies, and communities.
Mothers Naturally is an excellent source for information about natural pregnancy and natural childbirth. They provide many answers to common pregnancy questions as well as the latest natural pregnancy research.
Warm Welcome Home Birth is on Facebook. Connect with us there for updates on news about homebirth, classes and other special events.