Expert Birth Doula Care
Wondering what expert doula care can add to your experience?
Perhaps you already have a lot going well for you; an emotionally present partner, supportive care providers, a healthy pregnancy, and a natural confidence in your ability to birth normally. Even in this ideal scenario, experienced doula care can give you a big boost towards having a beautiful birth you’ll feel great remembering forever. My goal is to use my well-honed skills and many years of experience as a doula and midwife to help your family have what you define as a healthy and positive birth experience.
Book your Free Doula Consult Now
❊ Prenatal Visits with a Birth Doula
After the free initial consultation, birth doula care with Warm Welcome includes 4+ prenatal visits, one of which can be at your home. This gives us ample time to converse about your hopes, values, and vision of your birth. I can also give you up-to-date information about the full range of options at your chosen place of birth. Based on your vision, I can help you and your partner craft a written ‘birth wishes’ page that can serve as a guide to everyone involved in your care. Between visits, you can keep me up to date on how you are feeling by phone, text, or zoom check-ins. If you are interested in how strategic use of movement and positioning can help you have a smoother birth, we can practice labor positions during a visit. Clients also receive a free pass to Creative Movement: Practical Prep for a Positive Birth.
“Choosing Michelle was the best decision my husband and I made. Three of my sisters ended their long labors in emergency c-sections and I thought I was doomed to do the same until I met Michelle. I knew right away that her calm, in control manner would quiet all my fears during labor. I was right. Michelle anticipated my every need and kept me mentally focused during my whole labor. After only 12 hours of labor and a half hour of pushing without any medications, we welcomed our little girl to the world. Michelle worked wonderfully with the hospital staff and she will be a requirement at our next birth. Thanks, Michelle for making labor day such a great memory.”
-Lorraine, Michael and Michaela LaPlatte
❊ Doula Care during Your Birthing-Time
First-time parents often appreciate being able to call directly during early labor, getting guidance on how to pace themselves during this sometimes lengthy phase of labor. I can join you as you step into early active labor (often at home) and I assist you in using the comfort techniques, movement, and other strategies that we discussed prenatally. Some birthers find themselves easily dropping into an instinctual state and coping beautifully with the waves of sensation; in that case I’m simply a quiet positive presence, reflecting back your strength and power with simple words between contractions. With your partner, I can help create a soothing environment that makes it easier for you to deepen into your mammalian wisdom. If your effort veers into overwhelm, you and your partner know I’m right there to give clear suggestions and active support.
Numerous clinical studies have examined the effects of the presence of a professional doula at birth.
Partners frequently comment after the birth that having doula support enabled them to trust and enjoy the birth more. They are relieved to know that they don’t have to be a walking encyclopedia of every labor support technique they read or heard about; that their vital and unique role is to love up their dear one, to be emotionally present. When physical support is desired (massage, acupressure, positional support), partners appreciate trading off with me. In this way birthers enjoy constant support, while still allowing partners to keep their energy up with time for meals and perhaps rest times. This enables them to be ready for the big moments of witnessing the birth and welcoming baby.
Read more about my support for partners
After your baby is born, I stay near you for an hour or two. Typically in this time I help make sure birther has something nourishing and warm to eat or drink; and help set the scene for baby to have a good first feeding. I can take a sweet picture of your newly expanded family on your device, and leave you to rest and enjoy each other.
❊ Postnatal Contact with your Birth Doula
At your convenience in the first week or so, I can visit you at home. This is our time to review and reminisce about your birth, talk about how your adjustment feels, how baby feeding is going, and more. Two more postnatal visits can be used to brainstorm about sleep strategies, changes when partners return to work or other questions. If you desire more postpartum support, schedule blocks of time for Postpartum Doula Care and receive deep nurturing for your family during this tender time.